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Traducciones ingles/espaÑol


Idiomas: español/inglés y viceversa.
Campos de traducción: general, legal, técnica, financiera, negocios, comercial, turismo, literaria, etc.
Tarifa para traducciones generales desde 0,06 céntimo s/palabra.

ENGLISH/SPANISH TEACHER/TRANSLATOR with Degree and Master's degree in English Philology, a 10-year stay in London and teaching experience in academies and companies. I teach English/Spanish at all levels. Individual online/or face-to-face lessons 16e/hour. I live in Moncofar.
You can also see my CV information and experience on my web (copy and paste link): https://cmartnez363.wixsite.com/ecotranslated
Vídeo cv youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh47KmMdkv4